Website Search Keywords

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Website Search Keywords - Five Tips To Help You Select The Best Ones!

When marketing any website online, choosing the best website search keywords to target is vital. By choosing outstanding keywords and keyword phrases, a website owner can easily drive a large amount of traffic to any website, and in addition, the traffic that many keyword phrases will deliver can provide very high conversion rates for the website. 

Search Volume

When choosing website search keywords for a new website, one of the first things to consider is the search volume that a particular keyword phrase has. Website search keywords that have a high search volume will be able to deliver much more targeted traffic to the website, and in addition, they will generate traffic for the website consistently. 

The Level Of Competition 

While keyword phrases that have a high search volume will generate more traffic for a website, these keyword phrases might also have much higher competition. Business owners and website owners will target these keyword phrases because of the large amount of traffic that they can deliver to a website; however, it is harder for a website owner to drive a website to the top of the search engine results pages, or the "SERPs," for keywords that have higher competition. 

In order to achieve both short-term results and long-term results from any online marketing strategy, a website owner should focus on keyword phrases with low competition and high competition simultaneously. The website owner can easily drive their website to the top of the SERPs for keywords with low competition, and this will generate a large amount of traffic in the short-term. 

In addition, the website owner should also focus on keyword phrases that have higher competition, and these types of keyword phrases will generate much more traffic in the long-term. 

Keyword Phrases That Produce High Conversion Rates

Some keyword phrases will provide much higher conversion rates than others. Some keyword phrases are simply easier to monetize than others, and as a result, a website owner that focuses on keyword phrases which provide high conversion rates can generate a large amount of leads, sales and revenue even if the website owner only generates a small amount of traffic from these keyword phrases.

One of the most effective ways to test the conversion rates that certain keyword phrases may provide is to deliver several thousand visitors to a website from searches related to the keyword phrase that is being tested. Once a website owner has delivered several thousand visitors from that keyword phrase, they can easily determine the conversion rates that the keyword phrase is likely to provide. 

Targeted Keyword Phrases That Are Related To A Certain Niche

A website owner should always focus on targeted keyword phrases when launching a new online marketing campaign. Keyword phrases that are related to the specific niche that the website is in will generally provide much higher conversion rates because visitors that search for these particular keyword phrases are already interested in the products and services that the website offers, and many times, visitors from searches for certain keyword phrases are already looking for the exact products and the exact services that the website offers. 

Geographical Location

When choosing website search keywords, a website owner should focus on keyword phrases that have a high search volume in the particular geographical location that they are targeting. For example, a website owner that sells their products and services primarily to customers within the United States can research which keywords and keyword phrases in their niche are frequently searched by Internet users within the United States. 

In addition, local keyword phrases are very effective marketing tools because more people are using their mobile devices to search for certain keyword phrases locally, and various studies have estimated that the amount of people who log onto the World Wide Web from their mobile devices will begin to surpass the amount of people that log onto the Internet from desktops or from laptops by the year 2015. 

Use A Tool

When selecting website search keywords, there are many things to consider. Some of these include the search volume that certain website search keywords provide, the level of competition for certain keywords and keyword phrases, keyword phrases that generate high conversion rates, targeted keyword phrases that are related to a certain niche and geographical location. 

We recommend you use Google's External Keyword Tool to find and evaluate your keywords.

Search Keywords with Google External Keyword Tool

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